A Study of Reading Vocabulary for Primary School Children in Iran Based on Story Books Published During 1380-81 and Comparing them with their Written Vocabulary

Document Type : Research Paper


Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz



Kokabi* Z. Cheraghi**

Chamran University of Ahvaz
The purpose of the present research is to identify and analyze reading vocabulary of primary school children in Iran based on a corpus of story books published during 1380-81, as well as the comparison of this vocabulary with students’ written vocabulary. The research is of exploratory nature and the scale used is nominal. The statistical population consists of story books considered suitable by the Children’s Book Council for age groups a, b, and a and b. The research was conducted using Delphi software, and designed in accordance with research questions and specifications. 162650 language forms were collected of which 1702 words were introduced as basic reading vocabulary. Research findings indicate that the compatibility between reading and writing vocabulary in sub-groups of simple verb, natural elements, body and color has been “much”; in sub-groups of scientific, religious, sport, cities, and idiomatic words as well as infinitives has been “very little”; and in other sub-groups has been “little”. Results also indicated that in general the compatibility of reading and writing vocabulary for these age groups has been “little”.
*Professor of  Knowledge and Information Science ,kokabi80@yahoo.com
** PH. D. Student of  Knowledge and Information Science Z.cheraghi58@yahoo.com


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