A Reflection on Nonsense: A Study of Hich Hich Hichaneh and the Interaction between Text-Picture

Document Type : Research Paper


Shiraz University



Torabi*          S. Shokrollahzadeh**       

Shiraz University
This paper is an analysis of the techniques of interaction between text and pictures of the book, Hich Hich Hichaneh.  This book consists of 52 poems by seven prominent Iranian poets.  The approach is deductive-inductive content analysis and the unit of analysis is every poem with its picture frame. This research is to answer two questions: 1- Are the poems and pictures of this book considered as nonsense? 2- What are the interactive techniques of text-picture? This research shows that most of the poems and pictures are not nonsense, but rather they are those childlike simple poems and non-innovative pictures which have a symmetrical relation with the text. It is also argued that in relation to each other, the text and picture of nonsense establish miscellaneous and various functions. The interactive techniques are composed of : inversion and its different types, imprecision,  play with infinity and simultaneity in place. Furthermore new interactive techniques are found which include 1- Irony 2- decentration 3- pictorial pun 4- bathos. Regarding these techniques, we can establish four relations between text-pictures of nonsense: 1- both text and picture are not nonsense 2- poem is nonsense but not the picture 3- poem is nonsense while picture is not 4- picture is nonsense while text is not.
* MA in Children's and Young Adult Literature, s.torabi_30@yahoo.com
** MA in Philosophy of Education, shokrollahzadehs@yahoo.com


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