Components and Creative Thinking Skills in Picture Books: An Analysis of Morghak Books


Shiraz University




Shiraz University
Children's literature, especially picture books, are valuable tools for fostering creativity in children. Children’s symbolic representations and narrative intelligence plays an important role in the efficiency of a picture book. Accordingly, the present study examined the role of picture books in creative thinking skills (domain relevant skills, creative relevant skills, and motivation) and cognitive elements of creative (fluency, flexibility, elaboration, originality). Contrary to the common narrative themes, decentralization plays an important role in fostering mental flexibility, risk taking, imagination, and sensitivity to the issue. Creative discovery depends upon characterization in the picture book.The more the acceptance of risks and uncertainties and problem solving characters depicted, the more they foster effective creativity in reader. If a picture book could provoke creative relevant skills and intrinsic motivation in the reader, it would contribute to fostering creativity in the reader. Five books from the series of Morghak books were analyzed with regards to creative thinking and cognitive factors. Design of the books, characterization, use of color and simplicity are among influential factors on creative readers.  
* Associate Prof. of  Foundations of  Education,


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See also children's book illustration. The Beginnings of Children's Literature

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