Classifying the Folktale of Nokhodi ("Little Pea") H. Zolfaghari Tarbiat Modarres University of Tehran Abstract Nokhodi is one of the famous Iranian legends of magic with different versions of it narrated in different parts of Iran. In this story, a very small creature will succeed in getting back what is his from the king with the help of wild animals. Besides the Iranian versions of the story, there exist many other versions of it

Document Type : Research Paper


Tarbiat Modarres University of Tehran


Classifying the Folktale of Nokhodi ("Little Pea")
H. Zolfaghari*
Tarbiat Modarres University of Tehran

Nokhodi is one of the famous Iranian legends of magic  with different versions of it narrated in different parts of Iran. In this story, a very small creature will succeed in getting back what is his from the king with the help of wild animals. Besides the Iranian versions of the story, there exist many other versions of it in children's literature all around the world, for example it is equal to Aarne Thompson's global types of 700 and 715.  All of these narratives have the same beginning which is the birth of the major character continuing with other incidents. In this article 18 existing versions of the story are studied under three groups as "The Little Pea and His Claim upon the King" (Type 715), "Pea and Demon" (without the international code) and "Peas and Robbers" (Type 700). The purpose of this paper, apart from the introduction of a myth from ancient Iranian art, is to provide a case study of a legend that it is based on printed sources.


* Associate Prof. of Persian Language & Literature,


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