One Narrative, Multiple Voices: a Study of the Dialogicality and Multivoicedness in Lullaby for the Dead Girl

Document Type : Research Paper


Shiraz University


Shiraz University
This paper aims to study and analyze Hamid Reza Shahabadi’s distinguished young adults’ novel, Lullaby for the Dead Girl, based on Mikhail Bakhtin’s theoretical literary framework so as to decide whether the text is dialogical and multi voiced. I have used a reflective content analysis method with a descriptive-interpretive approach to identify the elements that make the novel dialogic and multivoiced. Bakhtin introduces novel as a genre that is multivoiced, against finalization and affirms otherness. He argues that as the diverse and distinct voices in the discourse of the novel carry different values and predispositions, they cannot be fully reconciled and merged into a totality. This gives the novel its unique quality to refrain from a totalized resolution. In the Shahabadi’s novel one can identify elements such as a circle of multiple narrators, multiple shifts of time-place, female narrators, unfinalized resolution, specific location of the events, and concentration on the problems of young girls that make the text multivoiced and dialogical. Besides, the nonlinear and decentered narration of the novel accompanied by multiple shifts in the narrators of the events leads to the enhancements and improvement of young readers’ literary capabilities. The novel somehow helps the reader to recognize its decentralized narration.
* PhD Candidate of Philosophy of Education,


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