Post-Modernism and Poetics of the Children's Fiction: A Narratological Analysis of Mr. Painter and the Naughty Cat by Farhad Hassanzadeh

Document Type : Research Paper


Hormozgan University



Khojaste* A. Nik khou**

Hormozgan University
Children Literature, especially fiction, has moved away from its classical pre-determined forms and beliefs during the recent years; it has already changed and evolved the narrative aspect of these works. Meanwhile, the efforts of authors of children's fiction along with the structural-content evolutions in literature from one side, and social developments from the other side, as well as transformation of the passive child into an active reader, all have led to Post-modern stories. The story of Mr. Painter and the Naughty Cat written by Farhad Hassanzadeh has challenged the common beliefs about children’s stories; using Post-modernist narrative properties he has not only kept the context believable for the child addressees but also makes them the accepted realities about both stories and the world. Using the Post-modernism properties such as multi and non-singular narrator, metafiction, styles and genres assimilation, and multi-ending are some of the properties of the addressed work which are studied along with pictures in harmony with the text in the current research. Thus putting the child narrator’s voice against the omniscient adult narrator challenging the adult narrator’s authoritative narration. Furthermore, using techniques like quizzes and inviting the child to cooperate in the world of context yet emphasizing the fictional aspect of the book invites the reader to answer questions more creatively and actively.
* Assistant Prof of Persian Language and Literature,
** PhD Candidate of Persian Language and Literature,


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