Analyzing Sign Roles of Writer-Illustrator's Individual Identity in Post-Modern Illustration Books (Graphic Novels)  

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD Student

2 Islamic Azad university of Tehran Center

3 Tarbiat Modares University of Tehran



Mojaveri Agah* M. Allahyari**

Islamic Azad University of Iran, Tehran


Tarbiat Modares University of Tehran
The contemporary applied art of illustration, with post-modernistic approach creates image products in the form of book as graphic novels. These books are self-representative of writer-illustrator's identity and they carry some narrations which are organized by a set of signs. These signs or sign roles facilitate the writer-illustrator to materialize their self-being in the world and this, as an existentialistic choice, is an unequivocal expression which leads to the creation of a new world. This is a complicated and multi-layered process in creating an image which is the result of individualistic approach of writer-illustrator and apart from some issues such as request and writer; it will organize a world in which his individual identity will have the utmost priority. This identity includes paying attention to the artist's preoccupations and facts created and illustrated by him, and it also involves some post-modern elements such as denial of absolute truth, beauty, intellectualism, originality and also belief in self-multiplicity, self-contradiction and identity fluidity. It also results in organizing the works which should be read and perceived on their own. The main question is concerned with presence and existence. Does the writer-illustrator, the only narrator and creator or art use the signs and role signs in expressing his story to be able to utter all he intends, and beyond this, to gain eternality? In this regard, he uses semiotics to express his individual identity in an illustration book.
* PHD candidate  of Philosophy of Art,
** Assistant of Visual Arts,
*** Prof of French Language and Literature,


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