A Study of Language in The Night that Cricket Won’t Sing by Jamshid Khanian

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Shirazu University

2 shiraz university


The Night that Cricket Won’t Sing, written by Jamshid Khanian, is one of the most outstanding works in the field of teen novel that has attracted the attention of many critics and readers. Since language is the author's main tool for creating literary texts, in this research, language of the novel is studied at three lexical, syntactic, and rhetorical levels to identify its fundamental characteristics. Among the most important linguistic features of this novel are: high frequency of verbs implying movement, sudden transformation of the structure of past verbs, dominance of the tense features of standard language on its spoken form, high frequency of short sentences, changing of sentence clauses, repetition of some sentences, melodious language, contrast (the most prominent figure of the work), description, imagery (the most numerous and most revealing figure), symbolization and adaptation. Focusing on these features and their details show that many of them have positive effects on the overall structure of the novel and have influenced the development of various elements of the story (subject, theme, personality, space, etc.). These features imply the author's attention to the importance of language in improving the quality of the work in order to transfer ideas better. and can be one of the factors of various critics’ attraction to the repetitious story of war and the selection of this novel in several festivals.


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