Time Analysis in Children’s Narrative Poems

Document Type : Research Paper


Payam Nour University


Payam-e Noor University
Pre-school children are different from others in understanding time concept as children up to the age of 6 do not understand different aspects of time such as estimation of duration, finding the difference between present and past and anachrony. The study of time shows that "anachrony" and "deceleration" are not properly understood by these children so we must to use them carefully in pre-school children’s narrative. On the other hand, chronological order, isochrony and acceleration are suitable for pre-school children and we can use them. Narrative time analysis in 6 poetry books of Naser Keshavarz (for pre-school children) proved that scenic presentation and dialogue have the most usage among different types of time presentation in children’s narrative.
*  Assistant Prof. in  Persian Language & Literature, jahedjah@gmail.com


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