Narrativity in Ahmad Akbarpour's Story  "Se Sut-e Jadui" (Three Magical Whistles) According to the Theory of Maria Nikolajeva

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Shiraz Univerisity

2 Shiraz University



Hesampour* S. Arameshfard**

Shiraz University
In this paper different aspects of narrativity are analyzed in a new story by Ahmad Akbarpour entitled "Se Sut-e Jadui" (Three Magical Whistles), using Maria Nikolajeva’s theory of narrative. In 2003 Nikolajeva presented some views about narratology in children's literature showing preference for this theory as an independent approach. In this theory her focus is on narrative and its elements like characterization, point of view and temporality which organize narrative structure of children's stories. The findings of this paper show that Akbarpour has added to the attractiveness of his story by using new techniques which Nikolajeva has pointed out such as open plot and description of scenes and details. Although Akbarpour has tried to create a different story, he has not been completely successful because the monotonous tone of characters and prevalence of narrator decrease the power of his story and do not allow positive features to be revealed.
*  Associate Prof. in Persian Language & Literature,
**  M.A. Student of Children’s Literature Studies,


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