The impact of ideology induction on the binary of pleasure/education in two YA novels

Document Type : Research Paper


Shiraz University


This study investigates the techniques of ideology induction and representation of the pleasure caused by seeking hidden and visible ideologies in two YA novels. Jamshid Khanian's Emperatour-e- Kutule-ye- Sarzamin-e- Liliput (The Dwarf Emperor of Liliput) andMehdi Rajabi's Konserv-e- Ghul (Tinned Giant) are the samples of this article. The study follows inductive content investigation procedure with a descriptive-analytical approach. The theory of Stephens and McCallum about ideology and children’s books has been used as the dominant approach. As the results show,in Emperatour-e- Kutule-ye- Sarzamin-e- Liliput, imagination makes the young adult powerful to symbolically explain the objective experiences and help him/her to discover the meaning of life and happenings. The young adult expands his/her own life as well as the life of others through the use of imagination. In Konserv-e- Ghul, imagination plays a special role and the young adult can recover his personality in order to solve his real life’s problems with it. In other words, imagination leads him to omit social behavioral disorders. The point of view in both novels is immediate-engaging first-person narration with protagonist-narrator. This feature affects the empathy of the audience and his/her acceptance of the ideology. Transgression can be found, more or less, in both novels. Although Khanian hides the demand for freedom and flight in deeper layers of the text, in comparison, the symbols and hidden meanings are used more wisely in Khanian’s novel.


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