The Role and the Function of First Person Narrator In Children’s Narrative Poems

Document Type : Research Paper


Khalije Fars University




Persian Gulf University of Boushehr
First person narrator is homodiegetic (one of the story's characters). This narrator is the protagonist or a witness and its voice is the main voice in the narrative. In first person narratives, the main focalizer is the narrator, too. A study of first person narratives in pre-school children's narrative poems proves the potentials of this narrative type; the use of first person narrative in pre-school children poems multiplies their educational effects. Choosing this kind of narrative has to be done carefully due to the nuances of voice and focalization. An analysis of two collections of Naser Keshavaz and Mostafa Rahmandoost shows the high frequency of this usage.  
*  Assistant Prof. in  Persian Language & Literature,


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