Narrative Structure in Iranian Lullabies

Document Type : Research Paper


Y. Jalali Pandary*             S. Pakzamir**
Yazd University
Iranian lallayi part of folk songs and ancient Iranian and lasting roots in the distant past is. Warbler on our first lallayi  unknown. But simply language and applied them being among people of different courses one of the secrets of staying in this beautiful verses. lallayi  addition to the Melody of sedation for sleep child have their way of expressing pain and suffering of mothers also has. and this link between women's literature and children's literature established has. sympathetic child's mother and his knowledge of his  told he has spoken with. these words audible, although simple, are expressed in  but its structure that this article from the perspective of sociological study is narrative. research We first expressed in poetry s  lallayi and then explain quiddity And at the end of its narrative structure and narrative structure to review the lallayi  discussed -'ve. in  Iranian lallayi as it is in the text, like a story  narrative structure with sections such as time, place, narrator, returning to the past, to the peak of action, or node Fkny crisis and relief and ... be seen.
* Associate professor of Persian language and literature,           
** M.A Student of Persian Language and Literature,
Received: 05/22/2011          Accepted: 11/9/2011


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