Narrative Elements in Mostafa Rahmandoost’s Poems for Children

Document Type : Research Paper



Abdolahian* A. Razi**

Guilan University
Children’s literary works are created with different goals. Preparation for development of individual and social aspects of children and development of mental abilities and development of their artistic talent are the objectives of children literature that producers of these works use various tips to achieve the above objectives and have more impact on the audience. Using song format and selecting narrative structure in songwriting for children is one of the production methods of literature works. This paper studied narrative elements in Mostafa Rahmandoost’s songs and described and explained their narrative characteristics and analyzed story elements that form Rahmandoost’s narratives in songs by considering the characteristics of minimalist stories; Elements such as : plot, narrative focus, characterization, scenery , tone, style and language. This research can show aesthetic aspects of children narrative songs and explain special features of childish narrative. Research method is descriptive- analytic and the method of data collection is library and in this research ten songs by Rahmandoost are analyzed. This research shows that Rahmandoost achieved coherent narrative structure by using classical plot, active and individual hero, narrative focus that is limited omniscient (I), slang and spoken language, outward-oriented tone and also by using minimalist methods in characterization and scenery.    
* M. A. Student of Persian Language & Literature,
** Associate Professor of Persian Language & Literature,
Received: 02/27/2011          Accepted: 11/02/2011


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