A Study of the Elements of Plot in Minimal Stories of Nokhodi by Mohammad Hadi Mohammadi

Document Type : Research Paper



Abbasi *

Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran
Theorists have proposed two conditions for defining narration: one is based on a correlation between actant/narrator and enunciated (Gérard Genette, Lintvelt Jaap), and the other is based on variations in premier and terminal stages of narration plot (Propp, Greimas and Larivaille). In fact Greimas and Larivaille, following Propp's efforts, tried to define a very simple and abstract framework for all the events. As a result of what they did, all the narrations are based on a super-structure called Canonic Scheme or Quintuplet Pattern. These theorists (Propp, Greimas, etc.) believed that narration is transition from one stage to another crystallized in variation of the plot. In this article, the aim is to examine this element as a case study in Minimal Stories of Nokhodi by M. Hadi Mohammadi, using a structured approach (Semiology of Paris School). It is argued that all these short stories are designed using those premier, medium and terminal stages. It is discussed that the plot is either linear or mobile. In case of linearity, it is argued what the exact signification is and why the "abstract author" has used a homodiegetic recite in narration of these short stories.
* Associate Professor of French Language & Literature, Ali_Abasi2001@yahoo.com
Received:7/12/2010             Accepted:7/26/2011


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