Khubi Nameh, an Ancient and Unknown Book of Advice

Document Type : Research Paper


 Dr. M. E. Irajpour
Payam-e Noor University
The historical development of children's literature in Persian Literature shows that from ancient times some texts were written with children in mind in which advice and counsel were presented. An example is Andarz azarbad Mahr Sapandan, another one is Pos Danenshan Kamag.  In the literature of after Islam, Children have a place either as the subject of whole books or  are mentioned  in some books; for example one can point to Qabus Nameh  of Onsor al-Ma'ali, Nasab al-sabyan of Abu Nasr Farahi, Baharestan  of Jami and Gulestan-e Sa'di.        In the Qajar period more and more attention was paid to children's literature and different genres became popular. There were also translations from western literature and rewriting of ancient stories such as Kalileh va Damneh, Marzban Nameh and textbooks and books of advice.In this paper an ancient and unknown advice book entitled Khubi Nameh is introduced for the first time. This book is of importance for three reasons; first it is one of early advice books for children in modern times. Secondly it is written by a great master of mysticism of the last century and it is lucid and simple to read, yet has a depth of meaning. Third, this book was written in an unknown village—Gonabad—which was far from the capital and major cities.


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