Fantasy and Fantasizing Based on Shahnameh in Children's and Young Adults' Literature

Document Type : Research Paper


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Dr. M. Pourkhaleqi               M. Jalali
Ferdowsi University
Fantasy is one of the practical genres in children and young adult's literature. The most important aspect of this genre is its being imaginative and impossible to happen in the real world. Fantasies are divided into two types of common and modern. Epics and myths are the best works to produce common fantasies.  Ferdowsi's Shahnameh has all the characteristics of fantasy making as it contains exceptional adventures and characters as well as suitable themes. Through fantasizing Shahnameh children and young adults will not only get acquainted with ancient texts but also enjoy the imaginary world of the adventures. In this paper the genre fantasy is first introduced and the aims of making fantasies from myths and epic are discussed; then the elements of fantasy such as characterization, plot and entrance to fantasy are discussed. Fifteen texts are chosen and classified and the data are compared with some stories of Shahnameh. Based on this comparison parts of Shahnameh which are suitable for making fantasy are introduced.


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