A Comparative Analysis of Structure and Themes of Persian and Arabic Lullabies

Document Type : Research Paper


Shiraz University



Kiyani* S. Hasanshahi**

Shiraz University
Lullabies are the earliest poetic and rhythmic ways of connection between mother and child comprising an extensive range of mother's hopes, complaints and prayers inherited from previous generations. This type of literature has survived the passage of time in a way that no other literary form could replace it. Another characteristic of the lullabies is that they are not unique to any specific literature and exist in every literature. As such, they have similar structures and thematic characteristics. Comparative literature opens up a wide range of hidden relationships between literatures of different nations; this research aims at studying Persian and Arabic lullabies on the basis of American school of comparative literature. Hence, after an introduction to the topic and presenting the objectives and significance of the study, the theoretical framework is explained and then the structure and theme of the lullabies are compared in the two literatures. The study has indicated that establishing peace and calm through continuous repetition of the pleasant rhythms, reflecting mothers' wishes, pains and sorrows, language learning, socializing of the child and teaching society's values are among the most important similar components in Persian and Arabic lullabies. In both of these lullabies, the trace of nature is greatly felt; however, their different natures have made the two lullabies differ in some ways as well. Finally, common religious values have brought about an unbreakable tie between the two.


* Assistant Prof. of  Arabic Language & Literature, hkyanee@yahoo.com
** M.A. Student of  Arabic Language & Literature, sarahasanshahi@yahoo.com


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