A Study of Religious and Patriotic Themes of Poems of Farsi Books for Guidance Schools

Document Type : Research Paper


Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz



Jokar* B. Saki**

Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
Many educational researchers believe that the intellectual, cultural, national and religious foundations of any generation are established during childhood and adolescence. The educational system of each country has an important role in forming and shaping these foundations; writing proper textbooks is one the most important tools in establishing these foundations. There are about 45 poems or prose poems from various ancient and contemporary poets on various topics presented in the Farsi books for the guidance schools. The number of these poems has increased from 9 in the first grade book to 19 in the third grade book. Due to the importance of teaching subjects such as national and religious identity in this educational period, such issues have been of concern to the textbook authors. Based on this study, the number of religious poems is much more than the patriotic ones, while it is necessary for both to be equally proportioned as they are the main items for creating the identity. In this study, the poems are studied from the prospective of the religious and patriotic themes and elements, and their frequency of occurrence.
* Assistant Prof. of  Persian Language and Literature, mnjoukar@yahoo.com
** MA in Persian Language and Literature, bahman_saki@yahoo.com


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