Dialogue with the third party: A study of literary and philosophical dilemmas in the promotion and research of P4C in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Shiraz University


The purpose of this article is dialoguing with the promoters, researchers, students and P4C enthusiasts in Iran about the literary and philosophical dilemmas that some promoters and researchers in this field are faced with. By reviewing and criticizing the article "A New Look at the Philosophical and Literary Characteristics of Stories in the P4C Program" written by Saeed Naji and Leila Habibi Iraqi, and due to dialogic essay’s characteristics, I have tried to answer the question whether Naji and Habibi’s essay is dialogic. I have also tried to share with this essay’s readers some of the difficulties in achieving the goals of P4C in Iran by showing the literary and philosophical dilemmas that the writers face in the mentioned text.


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