Cultural pathology of best-selling and selected children literature books (Evaluating the similar and different taste of children, juror and adult critics at selecting the best books) Case study: Members and publications of Children & Adolescence Pedagogy Institute of Iran.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Persian language and literature ‎ Tarbiat Modares University

2 Assistant professor of Persian language and literature ‎ department of Teacher Training University


The pathology of selected and widely read books in children's literature
(the evaluation of similarity and dissimilarity of children's, reviewers', and adult critics' taste of child in the selection of superior books).
(Case study: Members and publications of Children Pedagogy Institute of Iran.)
Based on the previous studies, children's literature in Iran in the fourteen century AD has made progress both qualitatively and quantitatively, specifically in recent decades. Studying children's literature and assessing it in a comprehensive way is undoubtedly necessary. Experts, critics and reviewers in children's literature try to choose and introduce the selected works in various programs each year; but are their choices compatible with the taste of children and teenagers? No qualified scientific research has been done in line with this issue yet. The obvious question of the present study is: Are children's and teenager's books which have been chosen by critics and reviewers as superior, are the ones that are accepted by the audience that are children? If not, what is the problem?
In this research, after the extraction of widely read works of Children Pedagogy Institute in the mentioned period, and then the selected works from adult critics' perspective, the results of the two groups will be compared and discussed. After investigating and comparing the case studies, in addition to the achievement of the criteria of the assessment and selection of children's books by children and the critics of children’s books, there will be a pathology over the type of these criteria.
Aim: The general aim of this study is the pathology and recognition of the similarity and dissimilarity of children's, reviewers', and adult critics' taste of child in the selection of superior books.


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