Challenge of genotext and phenotext in Call me Ziba" novel

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Prof. of Persian Language and Literature University of Hormozgan


Young adult novels are the realm of adolescent encounters with situations, concepts, and themes Which is sometimes related to her age and sometimes untimely experiences."Call me Ziba" is a novel written by Farhad Hassanzadeh, which shows a teenage girl trying to overcome an unwanted situation..In revolt theory, in textual action and social action, Kristova discusses the encounter of the semiotic and the symbolic in literary texts as well as in the entertainment society..This research interprets and analyzes the novel with a descriptive and interpretive approach based on Kristova's theory of revolt and other opinions that are related to this theory..In this novel, the semiotic and the symbolic are expressed in newspapers and stories, which have an intertextuality link, respectively.."Ziba", the novel's teenage character who lives in an orphanage, tries to revolt against the society of the entertainment, which has deprived her of her home and identity.Rebellion against the symbolic, but this rebellion is finally realized on another level with the author entering the story, breaking the symbolic and returning to the semiotic, in the literature as a house, identity and immortality .


Main Subjects

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