Investigating the Facts and Symptoms of an Unreliable Narrator in the Adolescent Novel "When the Mizi Lost" And its impact on the dominant epistemological element

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Persian language and literature, Payame Noor University, tehran, iran.

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, tehran, iran.

4 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature , Payame Noor University, tehran, iran.



The existence of validity techniques and technical considerations in the text, especially the text written for the adolescent audience, reveals the necessity of critique and review of literature more than ever. In the meantime, the investigation of the unreliable narrator becomes more important in a teenage novel. Because the author intends to turn the adolescent from an audience to a well-informed critic by creating contradictions, uncertainties and suspension of text using invalid narrator. This study, using descriptiveanalytical method, investigates the causes and evidence that narrator was unreliable and effects of it on the epistemological aspect of the adolescent novel When mozhi lost by Hamidreza Shahabadi and using the existing contradictions and contradictions in the text to take a step forward to increase the critical reading abilities in adolescent readers. The result shows that from one hand, factors such as being children, the narrator's personal conflict with story characters, with content signs, such as the insufficient reporting, the contradiction between the story realities and the narrator's point of view and the narrator's confessions to lying leads to a reduction in the audience's trust towards the narrator. On the other hand, the story, which is more of the recognition and discovery of causes and factors of the story of the story, stands out in the epistemological dimension. And the unreliable narrator, with the contradictions who creates in the text, is a mean that challenges that cognition and knowledge and considers it relative.


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