Investigating the Quality and Quantity of Life Skills ‎Incorporated in the Most-Read Books of the Institute for ‎Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents (from 2006 ‎to 2016)‎

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Persian Literature

2 Assistant Prof



Every social human being must acquire the ten life skills to an acceptable extent. If these skills are properly learned from childhood, they can lead to adaptable behavior towards others and the world around in adulthood. These skills can be taught to and institutionalized I children by the use of children's books, especially fiction books, which are powerful tools in this regard. This study aims at investigating the quantity and quality of life skills incorporated in the most-read books of children. The researchers seek the answer to this question: to what extent are life skills incorporated in children's books and how each skill is presented in the story?


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