Investigating the Foundations of Totemism and the ‎Place of Trees and Animals in the Story "The Girl and ‎the Simorgh"‎

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Jahrom University, Jahrom, Iran.



Totemism, which is the belief in animals and sometimes plants, is one of the beliefs of primitive peoples, examples of which can be seen among Iranians, too. One of the sources in which these examples can be studied and analyzed is the folklore literature of each nation, especially the stories and legends of that nation. Sorkhi tribe is one of the ancient Iranian tribes which has a rich treasure of pristine folk literature which is, however, on the verge of being forgotten and sometimes destroyed. In this essay, in order to preserve a part of this treasure and show parts of the beliefs and thoughts of this people, the author first recorded the story of "The Girl and the Simorgh" which has not been written before. Then, in a descriptive-analytical way, he investigated the totemic beliefs evident in the story and also the position of trees and animals that have a transcendental and sacred aspect.


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