Analysis of children's humor techniques in the stories of Hazaltanbouri and Al-Arands by Kamel Kilani and Dive Dig Beh Sar and Noush Jun Agha Bozeh by Farhad Hassanzadeh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 phd university

2 Assistant Professor



Humor is an artistic way of expressing goals and includes techniques that have been prominent in contemporary Arabic and Persian literature and many writers have used it for their purposes. Among the satirists, we can mention Kamel Kilani and Farhad Hassanzadeh, who in their children's stories have used simple vocabulary and combinations based on language usage techniques and language content, so in this research, we have tried to use content analysis. To examine the humorous techniques of the children of Tshok Al-Tanbouri and Al-Arands by Kamel Kilani and Dave Deigh to Sar and Nosh Jun Agha Bezeh by Farhad Hassanzadeh with the comparative method of the American school. The findings of the research indicate that there is linguistic simplicity and tonal differences in their stories, and miniaturization, exaggeration, speech humor, situational humor, simile, repetition, contrast, proverb, and irony are among the common techniques of humor in their stories. With mental imagery, exaggeration, assimilation, choice of words and common combinations of society, contrast and repetition to emphasize, each of them has set their goal as an educational, educational and entertainment approach, although Farhad Hassanzadeh's language in humor is simpler, more childish. , more common, but the complete language of Kilani is more complete in terms of analogy and linguistic quality


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 27 November 2023
  • Receive Date: 12 July 2023
  • Revise Date: 24 November 2023
  • Accept Date: 26 November 2023