Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor , Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


The objective of this article is to undertake a psychoanalytical analysis of The Story of Ahmad and the Clock, an Iranian picturebook, drawing upon Sigmund Freud's psychosexual theory of development. Through a classical psychoanalysis lens, the narrative reveals the journey of Ahmad, a young child navigating his phallic stage of psychosexual development, wherein he must reconcile his oedipal conflicts and conform to the paternal authority. This psychoanalytical exploration characterizes the text as phallocentric, shedding light on how certain elements within children's literature perpetuate the socialization of young minds based on patriarchal norms and values. Furthermore, the book projects a specific ideal of the "good child," one that aligns with the expectations of adults within a masculine society. Throughout this process, time emerges as a pivotal and indispensable element, requiring individuals to adhere to its dictates in order to mature into socially acceptable, sexually developed individuals eligible for integration into society.


Main Subjects

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