Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD Student in Persian Language and Literature of Ferdowsi Mashhad university, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Prof in Persian Language and Literature, of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


In this article, the Narrative Mental Spaces Blending model (NMSB-model) has been applied on a long story for the first time. As a case study, the children’ novel Biz Biz Business written by Farhad Hasanzadeh has been analyzed using the Densiger's NMSB model. The innovative aspect of this research is the representation of the novel's multi-layered narrative spaces in the form of visual diagrams. This method obviously shows how the linguistic aspects of a narrative text can lead to the production of meaning in the reader’s mind as well as the understanding of a new emerging story. To carry out this research, we first determined and specified the spaces in the form of narrator space, character, future and past. These spaces are created by the way the story is told and the author chooses words and verbs. Then, we identified the narrative anchors in the text, which are the builders of mental and narrative spaces in the text. Finally, with the help of NMSB model, we show the continuous enrichment of narrative spaces with emerging spaces to reach the newly emerging story. The general results of the research show how this method can help the reader to solve the mystery of the story by conveying little information in the text. They also show that every narrative text is dynamic and intertwined. The results of the study of Hasanzadeh's novel show that the change of perspective from one character to another has created a complexity and dynamism in the story. The findings also show that, in order to create mental and narrative spaces of the story, the author uses the potentials of language tools more often compared to other elements of the narrative.


Main Subjects

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