Comparison of Parvin Dolatabadi's children's and adult's poetry from the point of view of the reader in the text

Document Type : Research Paper


1 persian literature of payamenoor university of Tehran , Iran

2 Persian literature department of literature and languages faculty, payame noor university of Tehran Iran



Parvin Dolatabadi is one of the poets who owns works in children's and adults poetry. She is considered one of the few female poets. Her poems have always had a place in text books throughout the last 60 years. perhaps no other poet in child poetry and text books this has not been present all the much there fore, she can be called the mother of children's poetry. In this study, we first in traduced and explained the dimensions of the poet's personality using a library and field method, interviews with the poet's family. For this reason this section contains new insights in to the poet's personality and personality dimensions. The poet's child and adult anthems have been explored based on the reader-driven critique approach of Aidan Chambers the difference of poetry the child and his adult are explained according to this theory. Ultimately based on the four components of this theory (style, viewing angle, sidestepping, illustrative and comparative gaps. Her poems unfold in the genre of children and adults. Parvin on a completely purposeful basis-of the author in her child's poem is indicative of the poet's attention to the reader lies in the text.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 09 March 2024
  • Receive Date: 20 October 2023
  • Revise Date: 24 January 2024
  • Accept Date: 27 February 2024