Document Type : Research Paper
University of Kashan, Faculty of foreign languages and literature
This article examines the concept of e-pistolary writing (the use of emails in novels) and the function it serves in young adult literature. By using the views of critics such as Elizabeth Campbell and Victoria Flanagan and focusing on issues such as “transnational citizenship,” “technorealist” structure, and “perspective-subjectivity,” the article seeks to answer the question: how the epistle writing produces some counter-narratives that redefine the interaction of young adults with the power structures? For this purpose, Light a Candle for me (2017), the acclaimed novel by Maryam Mohammadkhani, is examined. The distinguished feature of Mohammadkhani’s work is that she integrates the technique of epistolary writing with that of technorealism and employs it to narrate the life of an adolescent girl. To examine these features, this article, through a descriptive-analytical method, addresses how cyberspace and email writing are used to challenge dominant gender hierarchies and redefine the female identity. It is argued that the expansion of the cyberspace along with the possibility of equal access by everyone has resulted in the formation of a heteroglossic, democratic ambiance, which triggers a polyphonic world. It is in this world of virtual reality that everybody’s voice, especially young women and girls, is heard. The experience of such polyphony and freedom of maneuver on the part of women affects their conceptions of their ‘selves’ and their identities. No longer do they consider their identities an essential entity that is fixed and predetermined by norms set by liberal humanism On the other hand, affected by the collective nature of the cyber space, these women consider identity as “performative” and fluid. That is, they approach identity as a social “construct” that lies somewhere beyond notions of anatomy, race, and religion. The result is the formation of female intersubjectivity that resists dominant power structures and gender norms.
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