Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran University

2 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Comparative literature examines the content and structural similarities between the works of authors from different cultures. This study compares the correspondence of the stories "the Alphabet Village" by Mahmoud Shuqair and "the Star Tree" by Qanbar Shukri, and examines these two stories using morphological theory, descriptively - analytically, based on the American School of Comparative Literature. The present study seeks to determine the degree to which the two stories correspond to Propp's morphological theory. The findings show that in the workings of the two stories, there is no significant difference, and only the difference returns to the opening scene of the two stories. Most actions also have a non-physical and internal form. Most of the workings found for children are delicate and understandable, and are somehow used to develop their personality, and in this sense, both authors have been successful. Also, despite cultural differences, almost the same values have been considered in these works, and cultural differences have not necessarily caused significant differences.


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