Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Khodabandeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khodabandeh, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Khodabandeh Branch, Khidabandeh , Iran

3 : Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature Department, Khodabandeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khodabandeh, Iran.

4 Associatet Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan ,Iran


Manoochehr Ehterami is one of the most prominent and successful writers and poets in Iranian children's literature. His poetry collections, particularly the *Hassani Nago Ye Dasteh Gol* series, have remained among the most beloved works in children's poetry since the Islamic Revolution, with millions of copies published. While various factors have contributed to the success and longevity of his poetry, the use of humor and its diverse techniques appears to play a significant role in preserving the appeal of his works. Ehterami's humor, due to its universality and its grounding in children's real-world experiences, initially engages children through humorous discoveries and situations, creating a deep emotional connection with them. It then stimulates joy and excitement by drawing on children's imagination and unique way of thinking, leaving a lasting impact that can endure for years or even a lifetime.

This study specifically aims to analyze the impact of humor techniques on the success and longevity of Ehterami's children's poetry, focusing on 17 poetry books from the 21-volume *Hassani* collection. The research is conducted through a descriptive-analytical method.The findings reveal that one of the key factors in the success and longevity of Ehterami's poetry is his use of tangible and automatic humor techniques such as puns, hyperbole, metaphors, conciseness, and more. Additionally, he employs unique humor techniques of his own, such as a humorous worldview, ironic twists, humorous characters, and humor rooted in folklore. Among these, humor derived from folklore has the highest frequency, while paradoxical humor has the lowest. Ehterami primarily uses humor with an entertaining, educational, and critical approach. His humorous poems consist of both surface and deeper layers: the surface layer is engaging and entertaining for children, while the deeper layers have a critical function by inspiring curiosity and inquiry in young readers.


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