Passing of the Cans Through the Blind Owls' Land: A Study of the Intertextual Links of the Novel Canned Giant and the Blind Owl

Document Type : Research Paper


Shiraz University




Shiraz University
Mahdi Rajabi is a relatively young author (born in 1980) who works in the field of children and adolescent literature. He has published 8 books, some of which have been critically acclaimed. One of these works is Canned Giant novel. The resemblance to the Blind Owl, one of the most distinguished contemporary tales in Iran and the world, is one of the features of this novel. In the first place, the reader of the novel notices the similarities between Canned Giant and the Blind Owl and as s/he keeps reading, s/he notices the influence of the Blind Owl. The following research studies the different aspects of such influence. Intertextuality and the views of its well-known theorists are applied to the work for analysis. The most obvious similarities between Rajabi's novel and the Blind Owl are the characters and how they are presented in the plot process. The narrative, motifs, and some descriptions also deepen the link between these works, a link that the Genette calls implicit intertextuality.
Keywords: Blind Owl, Intertextuality, Gerard Genette, Canned Giant, Sadegh Hedayat, Mehdi Rajabi.
*  PhD Candidate of Persian Language and Literature,


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