A Study of ‘Hooshroba Castle’ Fairy Tale According to Bruno Bettelheim’s Theories of Child Psychoanalysis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Islamic Azad University of Mashhad



Vaezi* T. khamene Bagheri **

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Islamic Azad University of Mashhad
Fairy tales play an important role in the world of children’s literature. Not only are they amusing for children, and help nurture their imagination, but also they sink deep in their unconscious and alleviate or treat a lot of internal conflicts, oedipal complexes and sibling rivalries. The symbolism and allusions lying within these fairy tales have an evident role for children looking for answers of sexual nature. Furthermore, these childhood stories seem to offer them solutions when dealing with problems and challenges of the future. This study is a psychoanalytic approach to the Iranian fairy tale, the ‘Hooshroba Castle’ as introduced in Rumi’s Masnavi and re-written by Sobhi Mohtadi.  The symbols of the fairy tale are discussed based on Bruno Bettelheim’s theories of child psychoanalysis as a very prominent child psychologist.
* MA Student in French Language and Literature, najmehvaezi@gmail.com
** Assistant of French Language and Literature, tkbagheri@um.ac.ir
*** Assistant e of French Language and Literature, sadijafari@yahoo.com


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