A Study of Referencing in Pazhuhesh-Nameh and Iranian Children's and Adult Youth's Book Review and Information Journal

Document Type : Research Paper


Abdolhamid Razavi *               Hasan Mosanan Farsi**
Research Institute for Education
      Any discipline requires researches to provide supporting evidences in order to demonstrate their scientific findings.  Similarly any research needs to launch their assumptions and findings, alongside or contrary to prior findings based upon preceding studies in order to have a positive impact on the research area.  Iranian children's literature, as a recently established university field of study, also demands researches in which regulations and principles of documentation and giving references are met in order to expand its research area.
      Referencing is mental and cultural process and also a social deed. A list of references is one of the most important components of any research paper or manuscript. Some elements of referencing and citing are "how to use references", "type of emphasis on particular cases", "recurrence of some specific references". Though different types of citation and referencing are undertaken and there is a tendency to move away from personal approaches on how to cite toward systematic and standard citation and referencing, still many cases of slip-ups are observed in research and critical papers.
     This paper addresses how citation and referencing styles are deployed in research and critical papers in two children's literature journals: The research Quarterly of Children and Youth's Literature and Iranian Children and Young Adult's Book Review.
      The results show that citations and referencing in these two journals are below standards in writing scientific papers.
*Assistant Professor, Philosophy of Education. Email: Abdolhamid.razavi@gmail.com
** MA in Clinical Psychology. Email: farsihossein@hotmail.com


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