A Study of Ahmad Akbarpour's Stories Based on Aidan Chambers' Implied Reader

Document Type : Research Paper


Dr. S. Hesampour
Shiraz University
In order for the thoughts of the reader within the book to be formed, two people are necessary to say something and that the writer, in order to reveal his intended meaning creates certain relationships with the reader within his text. When the writer starts the narration, s/he considers a reader/listener called patterned by Umberto Eco; the patterned reader is a picture of an imaginary reader created by the writer in order to arrange his ideas.  Aidan Chambers believes that in order to find this reader who he calls "the implied reader in the book", it is necessary to consider the child as the reader in the book, not outside it. Chambers suggests that to find this implied reader "in the book" and his/her characteristics, some features such as style, point of view and empty spaces for the reader to participate in creating elements of the story  must be analyzed. This paper uses Chambers' theory to analyze three stories of Akbarpour which have been popular in the past years (That Night's Train, Emperor of Words and I 'm not My Father's Servant).


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