An Archetypal Comparative Study of Fighters of Parle Aan and Harry Potter

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Hazrate Narjes University

2 Yazd University


Zeinab Sheikh Hosseini
Fantasy is a literary genre that has been created in the last century in response to rationalism, in which events, characters, and situations are made beyond our beliefs. Fantasies give their readers the possibility of analogy between different worlds. This aspect of fantasy has received warm response from young adults. In the present study, archetypal criticism is used to compare J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and Ali Khaste's Fighters of Parle Aan in order to see whether the mythical and magical concepts in these works have strengthened the structure of the story and if Fighters of Parle Aan  can be considered a successful fantasy  in comparison with Harry Potter. It is argued  that the mythical narration with the help of other element of the plots has been helpful in the structure of these stories. Fighters of Parle Aan can be considered as a successful Iranian fantasy.


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