Document Type : Research Paper
1 دانش اموخته کارشناسی ارشد دانشگاه شهرکرد
2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature at Shahrekord University
Using various methods and theories to create creativity in rewritten stories from ancient literary texts is an important and significant issue for children and teenagers. The purpose of rewriting ancient texts such as Kelileh and Demneh is to familiarize the audience with the literary features of the original text and to read its fascinating anecdotes. The aim of the current research is to investigate and analyze the rewritten stories of Kelileh and Demneh based on the dimensions of Maria Nikolayeva's narration and to answer these questions: 1. how can a creative rewriting with a different and new structure be done with the help of Nikolayeva's dimensions of narration created for the teenage audience? 2. In the reviewed rewritten stories, which of Nikolayeva's dimensions of narration is used? The method of descriptive and analytical research and the method of collecting information are in the form of examining library documents. The results of the research showed that a new and creative structure can be created in rewritten stories by using narrative dimensions. Choosing the right beginning, open ending and creating an opening, using the element of travel in the narrative, paying attention to the dimensions of time in the narrative and the increasing plot, are the most important dimensions of narrative for creative rewriting. Except for a few stories of Lotfollah, which used an open ending, most of the reviewed rewritten stories had a closed ending. The travel element was seen in most of the rewritten stories. In terms of time, most of the rewritten stories have a linear time. Only in some stories rewritten by Lotfollah and Shirazi, there is sometimes a passing of time, retrospective and forward-looking narration.
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