Document Type : Research Paper


1 Allameh Tabatabai University of Tehran, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages.

2 Allameh Tabatabai University, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Department of Persian Language and Literature.

3 Payam Noor university


Adolescence is the transition period from childhood to adulthood. In this era due to maturity physical, psychological, social and emotional changes and emotional changes and translations emerge in the person؛ It´s also at this age that love emerges in different forms and types. Early loves remain at the limit of emotional attachments and fleeting friend ships and if the adolescent can successfully go through the stages of physical, emotional and intellectual development and maturation, then the intimacy friendship and true love will emerge. So he or she should be given the opportunity to recognize him/her self in this troubled world and to look for a concept or as solution for his/her troubled feelings. One of the solutions in this regard is the story. The story helps growing teenager as well as strengthens his/her imagination, and is an important factor in the social upbringing of the adolescent. Jamshid khanian is one of the distinguished authors who has written romantic-themed stories for teenagers. Regarding the role and importance of love in adolescence, and by the use of Robert Sternberg´s view of love as story in novel "on a hot summer noon a girl came from Basra" the research aims to recognize the place of romantic tale and how to present them is solving emotional, psychological and educational issues of


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