Document Type : Research Paper
1 PHD Student in Persian Language and Literature of Hormozgan University
2 University of Hormozgan
3 university of Hormozgan
Childhood is a fluid and culture-based concept, and it is impossible to provide a single definition of it. Even in a single society, different spectrums of childhood can be seen. In order to get a general understanding of the concept of childhood, it is possible to benefit from knowledge that has definitions and categories of childhood. In this research, we analyze the concept of childhood in Sadegh's works by relying on sociological approaches and qualitative content and conceptual analysis methods. In this review, along with the known sociological patterns from childhood, cultural patterns of Iranian society during the Pahlavi period are also introduced in the works.The results of the examination of Hedayat's adult works indicate that, with a deep knowledge of the Pahlavi era society, he has depicted innocent children, victims, villains, orphans who are captives of adults who want to achieve their humble desires. They sacrifice them themselves. Along with the common sociological patterns from childhood, Hedayat introduces children who are ruined in the lower layers of society during the criticism of the ignorant and superstitious society. Most of the children's characters in Hedayat's stories came from lower classes, and by dealing with these children's characters, the author criticizes an era in which the leaders take steps in the direction of modernizing the society and paying attention to the rights of citizens and paying attention to the needs They take children, but in the meantime, deprived children do not benefit much from this attention.
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