Document Type : Research Paper


department of Persian language and literature, ATU



Kalila wa demne is one of Persian didactic masterpieces that is written in the form of story. This book, which is full of political, ethical and social abstract concepts, is eligible to use in another fields such as philosophy for children (P4C). This paper is the result of examining anecdote: »dusti e kabutar va zaq va moush va baxeh va Ahou «, according to philosophical stories and children literature principles. In this research, which is reported in descriptive analytical method, some features such as literary adequacy, psychological adequacy, philosophical adequacy, discursive dialogue and research ability have been analyzed. According to results of analyzing, the story has high ability to teach philosophy to children and except rewrite into an understandable level for children and elimination some cases that are not appropriate to children, no other change is needed. And a critical look at the rewritten story in the collection of stories: dastanha ye fekri baraye koudakan e Irani, shows that the authors couldn’t be able to rewrite this story according to P4C' criteria and wouldn’t have presented an acceptable story in order to apply in P4C' class.


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