Document Type : Research Paper
1 Institute of Kurdistan Studies, Children's Literature Study Group, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran
2 Department of Persian literary, faculty of literary Humanities, University of zabol
3 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Zabul University, Sistan and Baluchistan, Iran
Ecological criticism is an interdisciplinary study that examines the interactions between human and nature in literary works and attempts to analyze the reflection and influence of these interactions in literature. This approach plays an important role in informing younger generations on environmental issues and the importance of nature through child and adolescent literature. The purpose of this article is to represent the components of environmental protection in the novel Ghost of the burnt forest from the perspective of ecological criticism. The research method is to analyze the qualitative content with a descriptive analytical approach using library resource recording. In this way, four components were examined in this novel: the consequences of technology overcoming nature, confrontation and superstition in environmental protection, the role of naming fictional characters in conveying adolescent novels' environmental messages, and the role of space and place in inducing environmental messages. . The results of the study indicate that the burnt forest ghost novel, as an example of child and adolescent fiction literature, has reflected environmental concepts through these three components well to the audience of this age group. In this novel, knowledge and superstition are depicted as two contrasting forces in the process of environmental protection, and the negative consequences of technology domination over nature and its destruction have been clearly displayed. The nomination of fictional characters in this novel has a profound connection with the natural and environmental elements, and in this way, the importance of protecting nature is emphasized.
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