Number of Volumes | 15 |
Number of Issues | 30 |
Number of Articles | 279 |
Number of Contributors | 447 |
Article View | 505,488 |
PDF Download | 296,505 |
View Per Article | 1811.78 |
PDF Download Per Article | 1062.74 |
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Number of Submissions | 1,066 |
Rejected Submissions | 681 |
Reject Rate | 64 |
Accepted Submissions | 217 |
Acceptance Rate | 20 |
Number of Indexing Databases | 16 |
Number of Reviewers | 157 |
According to the letter dated 88/09/03 and numbered 3/11/1454, the Journal of Children's Literature Studies was awarded the status of "academic-research" by the Commission for Evaluation of Iranian Scientific Journals, the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. The Journal of Children's Literature Studies has also been granted the privilege of being included among journals ranked as ISC.
The aim of this journal is to provide opportunities to share our academic experience in the form of scholarly articles to improve and develop children's literature in Iran and to further criticism and literary theory in the domain of children's and young adult's literature. Thus any paper in the fields of literature, education, linguistics, philosophy, sociology, library science and information or any other field which will lead to the development of children's literature is welcome.
The Original Language of the Journal is Persian & Extended Abstract in English
The journal is published biannually in the Summer and the Winter
Authors are responsible for the content of their papers.
The editorial board reserves the right to accept or reject articles and to make all editorial changes as deemed necessary.
This journal may not be reprinted or duplicated without written permission of the Editor.
The magazine allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search and link to the full text of the articles, and readers are allowed to use them for any other legal purpose.
Respecting the rules of ethics in publications, this publication is subject to the rules of the Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works.
Number of Volumes | 15 |
Number of Issues | 30 |
Number of Articles | 279 |
Shiraz University
Saeed Hesampour
Associate Editor:
Farideh Pourgiv
Executive Manager:
Saeideh Mohamadi
Technical Editor:
Farnaz Maleki
English Text Editor:
Masoud Ghafouri
International Editorial Board:
John Stephens
Editorial Board:
Mehri Parirokh
Fariba Khosbakht
Najaf Jowkar
Kavous Hasanli
Zahra Riahi Zamin
Mostafa Sedighi
Ali Abasi
Manijeh Abdolahi
Mohamad Hoseni Karami
Amirali Nojoumian
Frequency: Semiannual
Print ISSN: 2008-8647
Online ISSN: 2783-0616
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Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies
Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies
Publisher of Iranian Journals and Conference Proceedings
Journal of Children's Literature Studies Journal of Children's Literature Studies